Encinitas, California
Community Project, New Construction
The Leichtag Foundation sponsored a design competition to reimagine the ancient temporary structure known as the sukkah, with the themes of Release, Renew and Reimagine as guiding principles. The sukkah is traditionally erected for one week each autumn to commemorate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the celebration and gratitude of the harvest. It is customary to share meals, entertain, sleep, and rejoice within the sukkah. The seven sides of this winning sukkah design represent the seven days of the week and the seven year cycle. The seventh day of the week is the Sabbath, a day of rest and restoration. The seventh year in the cycle is known as the Shmita, a year to release and renew. The seventh side of the structure is left open and exposed. It is through this side that one enters the sukkah and begins the process of renewal and release. Limited visibility through the closely spaced cladding at the base of the sukkah reduces outside visual noise and allows one to retreat within oneself. The base tapers inwards to harvest one's thoughts, wishes, and concerns. Conversely, the top of the structure tapers outwards to release them to the sky. This combination of heavy vs. light, solid vs. open, also reflects the image of plants being firmly rooted to the ground, yet opening up to the sky above. Although striking in form, this sukkah was actually constructed out of three readily available lumber sizes: 2x4, 2x12 and 4x12. The entire structure was designed as a kit of parts that was assembled off-site in downtown San Diego. Once complete, the structure was disassembled, piece by piece, brought the to Leichtag Foundation site in Encinitas, and then reassembled by a team of volunteers using only simple tools. At the Sukkot at the Ranch festival, sponsored by the Leichtag Foundation, adults enjoyed gathering in the vaulted center space, while children had fun playing in the lower height spaces at the perimeter. The sukkah was also reserved for several formal dining events throughout the week-long celebration of Sukkot.
[Click here to view full competition entry]
1st Place Winner of Leichtag Foundation National Design Competition
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Many thanks to Mario Ramirez, owner of JMR Construction, Lorenzo Osuna, Martha Ramirez, Danny Ramirez, Mario Ramirez Jr., and Bret Henning for all of their hard work.